Technology Tool: FLIPGRID
Flipgrid is a technology tool that is used to create short videos for things like discussions and introductions. It is setup like a discussion board, but only in video form. Teachers can change time restrictions, reply access, and can approve each video before it becomes public.

~ works on IOS, Windows 10, and Android (web-based)
I haven't used Flipgrid as an educator yet, however, as a student I have used it as a way to introduce myself to my classmates and also to discuss with my peers about certain topics. I think that this is a fun and new way to engage students in discussion because video is just a tad more engaging and personal than typing behind a screen, maybe in a way closer to talk in person.
Technology tool: GOOGLE FORMS Google forms is a really easy to use google application that teachers and students can use to gather information and ask questions,

~ works with any device that can access google
Google Forms can be a great way to learn about your students when you get a new group of kiddos, to use as a preassessment tools to see where your students stand for a new unit, and/or a way to grow your students research and surveying skills.
Pedagogical Strategy: SCAVENGER HUNT A scavenger hunt can be interpreted in many different ways. Typically students will have to look for different parts and collect them. Similar to a Treasure Hunt, that we all participated in a kids at some point
For example, somewhere in this blog I placed a comma instead of a period, can you find it and take a screenshot? It can be something as simple as that. Some teachers will purposely put typos in their presentations and offer a reward to who finds it first to help increase engagement. You can also make a whole activity out of a scavenger hunt and ask students to find certain words in a assigned textbook reading or even to explain how to use a website.