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Bookmaking Part II: Concept & Method Development

Writer's picture: Isabel FernandezIsabel Fernandez
  • What cultural element/topic do you decide to work on?

I decided to work on the process of making coffee.

  • Why do you want to share it with us?

I want to share my love of coffee, my story and background that led to this love which is shown in my Part I Blog, and I think that this is a cultural topic that can be relatable to others.

  • What book making method(s) do you try to explore today?

I am going to explore making a zine. I have actually done this form of bookmaking before for a photography class. Here's the first video I looked at. This seems to work best with my content because it more "fluid" than a typical book. I also looked at this video because I think that including coffee in the book making process can tie each aspect together even more so. Lastly, this video inspired me to make my zines smaller so that they will fit into a mug or coffee pot. Basically, because a zine doesn't have a hard cover or spine, the coffee pot or mugs could act as that element. Especially if I coffee stain my pages, It will be like the mug/coffee pot will be "filled with coffee" in a way.

Idea One:

Four Mugs that act as the Cover and Spine of the mini zine. Each mug will hold a mini zine containing the steps it takes to make a cup of coffee that are addressed in the part one blog

Idea Two:

Place each of the mini zines into a coffee pot to fill up the pot with coffee. Each mini zine will contain the steps it takes to make a cup of coffee.

Here are some images of my practice stages of making zines:

Trying different sizes of paper (normal and mini)

Cutting the center line to make the zine

Finished zines

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