I want to address choice based learning in an art classroom which is something that I've gotten to learn more about in my education here at Colorado State. A lot of choice based learning in art classroom allows to students to propose additional materials or subject matter to depict in their project. Choice based learning is great for student engagement, passion, and excitement about creating art. But, I want to push that further.
This is something that I did not get much in my own learning of other than size choice, material choice, or subject choice. Never did one happen at the same time in my learning and I never got to propose a project idea of my own. This resulted in me not easily being able to create art on my own or without an assignment outside of class.
I hope that my students will be able to explore their love for art and experiment new ways even outside of the classroom. I want to give projects and fun lessons for my students to learn and grow from like any other teacher, but I can always include choice in all my projects. I think there should be at least one opportunity in every art class for a student to completely proposed their own project and practice being an artist "on their own".
This art piece represents how I was introduced to choice based learning as a student but each element was always separate and as I got older because of this separation my creativity got stunted because I couldn't come up with art project on my own accord. The ribbon ties all these elements together and that represents how I want to create opportunities to grow these skills I never got to grow during my secondary schooling.