"Who Am I in School?"
Big Ideas
Project Description: Students will take on the role of a chalk artist and represent who they are in their school community using sidewalk chalk and blending techniques on their school campus.
Essential Understanding
Students will be able to plan their final chalk drawing by sketching ideas in their sketchbooks.
Students will be able to represent their identity in their school community through the use of sidewalk chalk and applicable drawing techniques.
Students will be able to talk about their sidewalk chalk creation and their place in their school community through sharing with their teacher/classmates why they created what they did.
Using artist examples, students will be able to observe artworks made by other artists to talk about how other artists represent their identities in their artwork.
(Comprehend, GLE 1: Identify how artists make choices using the language of visual art and design to communicate ideas, SHoM: Observe, Understand Arts Community, Art Learning: Conceptual and personal grounding.)
Using preliminary sketches, students will be able to create an image using color and blending to represent their identity within their school community.
(Create, GLE 1: Plan and create works of art by exploring various media and creating meaning through symbolization, SHoM: Develop Craft, Express, Art Learning: Conceptual-Ideation and Expressive features.)
Given sidewalk chalk, students will be able to employ the appropriate use of line, color, and water blending in their drawing.
(Create, GLE 1: Plan and create works of art by exploring various media and creating meaning through symbolization., SHoM: Develop Craft, Stretch & Explore, Art Learning: Materials and techniques)
Using completed artwork, students will be able to talk about their artwork by describing how and why their artwork was developed.
(Reflect, GLE 1: Share and explain choices made and possible next steps in personal works of visual art and design, Transfer, GLE 1: Observe and discuss how visual art and design are evident in the everyday life of communities.SHoM: Reflect, Art Learning: Critical reflection / Literacy)
Art Methods
Art Vocabulary
Lesson Materials:
Sidewalk chalk
Sketches Teacher Example