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"My Friends and I..."

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Screen Shot 2021-09-26 at 3.04.46 PM.png

Big Ideas

  • Community

  • Identity

  • Collaboration

Project Description: Students will take on the role of a 2D artist and represent who they are in their friend community using 2D materials that they have already been introduced to as a choice based activity (pencil, sharpie, colored pencil, watercolor).

Essential Understanding

  • Students will understand how their identities within their friend groups demonstrate what kind of friend they are.

  • Students will understand how collaboration and communication connect them to their friendship communities. 

  • Students will understand how to work together to reflect on their friendship as a community


  1. Using artist examples, students will be able to observe artworks made by other artists to talk about how other artists represent their identities in their artwork. 

(Comprehend, GLE 1: Identify how artists make choices using the language of visual art and design to communicate ideas, SHoM: Observe, Understand Arts Community, Art Learning: Conceptual and personal grounding.)


  1. Using preliminary sketches, students will be able to create an image using color and symbols to represent their identity within their friendship community. 

(Create, GLE 1: Plan and create works of art by exploring various media and creating meaning through symbolization, SHoM: Develop Craft, Express, Art Learning: Conceptual-Ideation and Expressive features.)


  1. Given 2D materials, students will be able to employ the appropriate use of line, color, and symbols in their collaborative drawings. 

(Create, GLE 1: Plan and create works of art by exploring various media and creating meaning through symbolization., SHoM: Develop Craft, Stretch & Explore, Art Learning: Materials and techniques)


  1. Using completed artwork, students will be able to talk about their artwork by describing how and why their artwork was developed as a group. 

(Reflect, GLE 1: Share and explain choices made and possible next steps in personal works of visual art and design, Transfer, GLE 1: Observe and discuss how visual art and design are evident in the everyday life of communities.SHoM: Reflect, Art Learning: Critical reflection / Literacy)

Art Methods​​

  • Drawing 

  • Painting 

  • Sketching

  • Abstraction

Art Vocabulary

  • Two-dimensional

  • collaboration

  • artistic intent

  • abstraction

  • planning

Lesson Materials:

  • Pencil 

  • Paint (watercolor)

  • Sharpie

  • Colored Pencils 

  • Pastels

Documentation 10/1/21

Documentation 10/8/21

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