"Table Cultures"

A Three Day Lesson
Big Ideas
Identity / Individual
Project Description:
Day Two: Workshop & Ideation
Part Two of this lesson will be a workshop to push students’ understanding of abstraction and represent their identified personality traits. The students will learn about Mark Bradford and fill out a worksheet to expedite this process of art-making.
Essential Understanding
Students will understand their identities within their culture.
Students will understand how collaboration and communication connect them to their culture and identity.
Students will understand how to work together to reflect on their individuality within their cultures.
Day Two Objectives:
Using contemporary artist examples, students will be able to observe abstract artworks made by another artist to talk about how another artist represents their identity in their artwork.
(Comprehend, GLE 1: Investigate works of art and design to recognize how to create meaning with purpose and intent, SHoM: Observe, Understand Art World, Art Learning: Art Analysis.)
Given abstraction worksheets, students will ideate using different lines, colors, and shapes to demonstrate emotions and feelings to match.
(Create, GLE 1: Plan and create works of visual art and design recognizing various purposes and intentions, SHoM: Develop Craft, Stretch & Explore, Art Learning: Materials and techniques)
Using preliminary sketches, students will be able to create at least three ideations to represent their personal identities using a variety of lines, shapes, and colors.
(Create, GLE 1: Plan and create works of visual art and design recognizing various purposes and intentions, SHoM: Develop Craft, Express, Art Learning: Conceptual-Ideation and Expressive features.)
Utilizing worksheets and individual sketches, students will reflect on their experiences using lines, shapes, and colors to ideate emotions abstractly.
(Reflect, GLE 1: Demonstrate an understanding of how intent and purpose are informed by research and experimentation, Reflect, GLE 2:Synthesize ideas about personal works of art and imagine possible next steps, SHoM:
Art Methods
Art Vocabulary
artistic intent
Lesson Materials:
Oil pastels
Colored Pencils